Self-Tests for Addiction
Do you think you might be an alcoholic? A cocaine addict? A codependent? Do you suffer from some other addiction? The questionnaires below may give you some insights, if you answer the questions honestly to the best of your ability. The bottom of each page tells you how to interpret your responses, and suggests some places to find more information.
This site is maintained by Friends of Choices. The links below will tell you more about us and what we do:
If you're reading this page, you're taking an important step toward addressing what could be a life-or-death matter. You can choose to end the suffering.
Millions and millions of people worldwide are living in recovery from various addictions. If you think you may be suffering from addiction to any of the substances or behaviors listed here, we urge you to take the next step. Talk to your doctor, or to someone specially trained in recognizing and treating the addiction you're concerned about. Get more information. Contact one of the many organizations dedicated to providing help.
These self-tests were developed by organizations dedicated to helping those with the specific addiction, or by other subject area experts. Sources include the Johns Hopkins University Hospital, Alcoholics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and similar groups. Each test page provides information on the source of the test, and how to interpret your answers.
The information provided here is for your information. We are not affiliated with any treatment program, facility or organization. No personal information is collected. As you'll see, even your answers are not recorded.
Note on depression: While clinical depression is not an addiction, many who suffer from one or more addictions to substances or behaviors also suffer from depression. Like addiction, it is a debilitating and often serious condition, and those suffering should seek professional guidance and treatment.
The material provided here is only for your information. We are not affiliated with any treatment program, facility or organization. No personal information is collected. As you'll see, even your answers are not recorded.
Legal Disclaimer:
Friends of Choices provides the information herein "as is" without warranties of any kind. We make no representations including without limitation warranties as to accuracy, timeliness, completeness, or fitness for any purpose of any information or link to information contained on this site or other sites or correspondence. Under no circumstances shall Friends of Choices or any of its directors, employees or consultants be liable to the user for any damages whatsoever.
"Take the Test" is a service mark of Friends of Choices Inc., a not-for-profit corporation in the service of people with chemical dependency and those who love them. "Take the Test" is sponsored by the individuals and organizations who support Friends Of Choices. We thank them for their support and commitment to you and me and recovery.
© Copyright 1998-2012 Friends of Choices