Recovery from chemical dependency is a lifetime endeavor. The recovery process demands change. Without a psychic shift most individuals will revert to their prior self-destructive behavior. We provide the kind of recovery-focused living environment where that change can take place. While residing with us, those in early recovery can build a foundation for long term recovery in a safe, supportive, drug- and alcohol-free environment. Our commitment to those individuals who participate in our programs continues to grow over time.
Initially, Friends of Choices offered 12 Step meetings in a small garage in Culver City. Before long, our support expanded to the operation of one, and now two sober living homes. Today, the need for support services exceeds our capacity and reinforces our commitment to serve. We are proud of our three homes and the 'whole life' experiences we offer there.
Sober Housing
Friends of Choices has distinguished itself from its inception by maintaining high standards for the living environment of its clients. Clean, roomy, well furnished sober homes are an essential ingredient of that commitment. Those in our care refer to our facilities as their home, not just a sober house. Our operating philosophy and the individual homes are more fully described in our Sober Living section.
resident fishing trip 2004
Our residents are committed to recovery, but often lack many of the life skills needed to thrive on their own. Many come to us with limited education, learning disabilities and a host of problems that attend long-term drug and alcohol addiction. Our network of volunteers is often able to help residents address and overcome many of these obstacles.
For the past few years we have been sponsoring an annual trout fishing trip for our residents and their children, complete with tackle and boat rentals. Many can barely afford the necessities of life, and outings like this are a luxury beyond their reach. Donations make it possible to fund needy residents' participation. For many, this will be the first time in their lives that they've ever been out of an urban environment.
Housing assistance
Many who would benefit from a sober living environment cannot afford the cost. Some who have committed to sober living will from time to time encounter financial difficulties. Where possible, we make accommodations for residents who need time to get back on their feet. Operating funds give us only a limited ability to help.
Through our fundraising efforts and the generosity of our supporters, we are able to provide scholarships to assist a few who cannot afford the costs of sober living, and to provide payment flexibility to current residents who need it. For more information, please see our How You Can Help page.
Search for Serenity Men's Retreat
For the last seven years, Friends of Choices has sponsored a retreat for 40 to 50 sober men in Beaumont, Calif., adjacent to Palm Springs.
Participants in this three day event experience a new dimension of recovery through group discussions, meditation and other program activities. Regular participants tell us that this experience is highly beneficial to their recovery and personal growth.
Friends of Choices and generous benefactors fund participation for worthy candidates to this annual event. Please visit the Men's Retreat page for further information.
Take the Test and online resources
Our Take the Test pages have been online since 1999. They're a series of self-test questionnaires for those who wonder if they might be suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction, codependency, an eating disorder, or any of a number of substance and behavioral addictions.
The tests come from a variety of sources including Johns Hopkins University Hospital, Alcoholics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Food Addicts Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous and others. Each test includes informational links for those who want additional information or help. We recently added a self-test for depression, a condition common among those suffering from addiction.
Our Recovery Resource Links page lists sources of information about addiction and recovery. The resource list is maintained by Friends of Choices volunteers, who also review suggested additions. We hope to use this site to provide additional useful information on addiction and recovery, as well as to keep our supporters, alumni and the recovery community abreast of news at Friends of Choices.
Outreach to the community
Our houses host 12 Step meetings open to the local recovery community. During the Christmas season, a number of residents and staff visit the local juvenile detention center to carry the message of hope and Christmas cheer.
We currently provide administrative support for Project HOPE (Helping Other People Eat), a small organization helping the homeless in Santa Monica. Some of our residents volunteer with HOPE, as well as to other organizations helping the less fortunate. We also provide small amounts of assistance to other community-based nonprofit organizations aligned with our primary purpose.
Fundraising events
We host a small number of fundraising events each year, including the Annual Putting Challenge. They've helped raise over $10,000 for our programs and services. These events are also great opportunities for our supporters (even the non-golfers and people outside of recovery) to get together and socialize in a spirit of fellowship and service. For more on our future activities, please see our section on How You Can Help. We'll also be posting event information on the home page as scheduling is finalized.
We would be delighted to show you our facilities, introduce you to our staff, share our ideas and listen to yours. If you would like any further information please contact us:
Friends of Choices
Post Office Box 66164
Los Angeles, CA 90066
(310) 477-4428