The Search for Serenity Men's Retreat provides a weekend of reflection, discussion and fellowship, centered on the Steps and Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. Men from all walks of life, in recovery or not, are regular attendees at this event, usually held in early Fall each year.
Participants experience a new dimension of recovery and personal growth through group discussions, meditation and other retreat activities. Whether you have decades of sobriety, are new to recovery, or are looking for a more spiritual way of life, the weekend offers you a chance to learn, grow and enjoy the fellowship provided by a great group of men.
The photos below are from past retreats. The sample Retreat schedule provides a general overview of the weekend. The Retreat format periodically changes for continued interest and engagement.
Retreat Photo Gallery
Click on any thumbnail image to see an enlarged view
2004 group photo
Friends of Choices
Post Office Box 66164
Los Angeles, CA 90066
(310) 477-4428