This self test was developed by Narcotics Anonymous, and is applicable to drugs including meth:
"Am I an addict?" This is a question only you can answer. We found that we all answered different numbers of these questions "Yes." The actual number of "Yes" responses wasn't as important as how we felt inside and how addiction had affected our lives.
Narcotics Anonymous, 5th edition © copyright 1988 Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
There aren't many self-tests available specifically for meth, and for good reason. It's an addict's drug. Regular crystal meth use causes the kind of long-term physical and mental damage that only an addict considers the high worth that cost. See our Online Resources page for more information, and about where to look for help. Good places to start nclude the Crystal Meth Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous websites.
Important note: These self-assessment tools are not a professional diagnosis or opinion. While the results may provide you with useful information, they are not substitutes for the advice of someone trained in identifying and treating addictive disorders, who can understand your personal situation. Friends of Choices provides the information herein "as is," without warranties of any kind. We make no representations including without limitation warranties as to accuracy, timeliness, completeness, or fitness for any purpose of any information or link to information contained on this site or other sites or correspondence. Under no circumstances shall Friends of Choices or any of its directors, employees or consultants be liable to the user for any damages whatsoever.
"Take the Test" is a service mark of Friends of Choices Inc., a not-for-profit corporation in the service of people with chemical dependency and those who love them. "Take the Test" is sponsored by the individuals and organizations that support Friends Of Choices. We thank them for their support and commitment to you and me and recovery.
© copyright 2005, Friends of Choices. All rights reserved.